How much does an airplane run in one liter Peoples Choice India

How much does an airplane run in one liter
Peoples Choice India

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An airplane uses very large amount of fuel to fly. A Boeing 747 consumes 10000- 15000 liters per hour during cruise. It has a cruise speed of about 950 km/h and maximum if about 988-1000 km/h. So if see the figures per hour, it consumes 10.52–15.78 liters for travelling 1 km.

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Over a course of 10 hour flight, it might consume about 150000 liters of aviation fuel. A Boeing 747 consumes so much fuel, that it is enough to run a family car for six years!!! So in 1 liter of fuel it will run just 95–100 meters or if less it can run hardly 125 meters.

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This is data for cruise flight. In takeoff fuel consumption of an airliner will be 4 times that of cruise flight and mileage will become 1/4 th.

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